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Edward Bullmore

Edward Bullmore studied medicine at the University of Oxford and St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, before training as a psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital, and completing a PhD in brain MRI analysis at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. He moved to Cambridge as Professor of Psychiatry in 1999 and his scientific work on brain networks and development of severe mental health disorders has since been highly cited. He is currently Deputy Head of the School of Clinical Medicine in the University of Cambridge and a Non-Executive Director of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Foundation NHS Trust. From 2005-2019, he worked half-time for GlaxoSmithKline, focusing on the links between inflammation and depression, as described in his best-selling bookThe Inflamed Mind. In 2025, he will start as the Regius Professor of Psychiatry in King’s College London.

Books by the author:


The Divided Mind

Tracing the history of what is probably the ultimate disorder of the divided mind, schizophrenia, and retracing his own steps through the changing science of clinical psychiatry, Professor Edward Bullmore sets out to explore ‘the original schism’ and its far-reaching effects.

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